We strive to provide not only the best hiking and running shoes for women and men but the expertise, equipment, and training to properly fit your foot.

Our goal is to be the best running store in the Rocky Mountains for road and trail running mixed with the ideal small mountain town outdoor/hiking shop.
I’d Give it a “10”
A Note From Brion
I have just begun my 18th year as owner and founder of Independence Run & Hike. When I opened the store I was in my early 30’s and had just enough naivety to think it was going to be a smooth (although challenging ride). Nearly two decades later, I know much better and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. What a ride!
When I opened the doors in August of 2006, I didn’t have much. It was just my new manager, Matt Oates, my dog Inde, and myself. We worked our butts off and the store grew! But, I can still remember early on, looking in the mirror one evening after I had worked alone every single day for one month straight (when Matt had to take leave due to a family emergency) and the mirror had spots all over it and was doing the wave. I was stressed and I couldn’t see straight! I could barely pay the bills, I was tired, and I was not sure there was a light at the end of the tunnel.
Needless to say I made it through that rough time. I eventually hired more staff, survived a major economic down turn, and moved to a new location. Now I can look back at all the challenges with fond memories. But through all of this there was one thing that kept me going and made me believe in this little store. That was the customers–you! You kept coming in, you gave me compliments, you bought into what we had, you told your friends, you came to my running groups, and you became my friends. So thank you all who have supported my adventure and let’s keep it going another 10 years!
Brion After- Owner- Independence Run & Hike, LLC

But through all of this there was one thing that kept me going and made me believe in this little store. That was the customers–you! You kept coming in, you gave me compliments, you bought into what we had, you told your friends, you came to my running groups, and you became my friends.
Interested in Ultra Running?
Our intention is to be the resource for ultra running shoes, ultra running clothing, hydration packs, gear and equipment for this elite level athlete.